Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wu Wei

I must admit that when I heard this principal in class, it was hard to take in. Probably because it goes against everything that I think a successful human being ought to be. That is, proactive, self motivated, and a bit ambitious(but not to a malicious intent). Wu Wei, however, smelled strongly of "Go with the flow." Which it is.

However, by the end of class, and from what I've read, Its a lot more complicated than that.

Wu wei does not mean you dull your mind a bask in laziness. It means that you try and conform to your Toa. Which, translated into mary, means waiting untill you can see clearly the road that brings the most peace and joy.

I love the flowing water image best though. How a simple stream lets gravity take it down hill, and yet it wears and smooths rocks. Just considering what the water, or the rocks, could sybolize was something fun for me to think about.

1 comment:

Mr. Dye said...

I agree, this principle goes against the grain for many of us. But, as you indicate, when you start to explore what it really means, there seems to be something very wise in this principle.

What do you think the water and rocks symbolize?