Sunday, September 21, 2008

On homework and writing

Lately, if I find the time to do anything not school related, I think I must be forgetting something. Then I spend the next few minutes fretting over my planner, trying to see homework assignments that aren't there. Sad huh?

However, I have to say that it is getting better. The homework load is still the same, but I'm getting faster.

I've learned to accept my work the way I do it the first time. Which is practically torture for me sometimes. Especially with my twisted fairy tale. I don't like sharing my work, even with my family, before its perfect. So you can imagine how I felt turning in a very rough piece to a teacher. The only way i got through it was by saying to myself. "There's another draft, there's another draft."

Even writing it was difficult. One of my greatest weaknesses is that I give up. I think of a good idea, but if I can't get it down just right then I stop trying. With writing on a schedule I was forced to put it down the best I could at that moment. Then come back to it later. I think I learned a lot from that.

1 comment:

Mr. Dye said...

Thanks for sharing some of your thoughts about writing. I am glad you are learning to accept less-than-perfect work. This is essential, especially when writing. You have to be willing to throw ideas out there and get other people's responses as you are drafting. I guess there is a place for perfection in writing, but usually it comes after 15 or so less-than-perfect drafts. This is one of the reasons we do improv games in class. With improv, you do not have a chance to strive for perfection. You just have to take the ideas that come to you and run with them. This can actually improve your writing by sparking creativity. Keep up the great work--you are developing into a wonderful writer.