Wednesday, November 5, 2008

From socratic seminar to real life

I want to be an author. From what I've read getting published is extremely difficult; and even then you don't make enough money off of one book to support yourself. So I will need to learn to read my own stuff without giving up and/or throwing the computer at the wall.

Seeing from different points of view is what authors do. That's why its so infatuating to me. When you write something you have to be in every single characters head. So that you can understand why they are doing something and translate it well on page. I still need to work on this. Sometimes I like to force my characters to do things that they wouldn't really do. Sometimes because of a dead line or sometimes because where they want to go is to long story. I love my characters though. I get especially excited with my side characters. Probably because I get so uptight with my main characters and the side characters are simple fun. I think I will get better though. I just need to practice some more.