Sunday, August 31, 2008

When I was about nine years old I could recite the whole first movie of the Lord of the rings by heart. I think back now and that seems kind of… scary. Imagine how long it would take to memorize that full-extended version. Did I really ever have that much time?
Anyway I’ve just been thinking about this because I happened to dust it off and watch it (The first half anyway) last night . You know how things you used to love when you were little aren’t as good when you get older? Such as buble gum ice cream, the babysitters club books and the zoo. Well, Lord of the Rings just isn’t one of those things.
I was utterly absorbed, laughing far harder than the jokes deserved, tearing up at the first appearance of Sam, and knowing far more lines than a sane person should. It was like an old friend that had been away for a long while had suddenly turned up for a visit. Only better because there was no awkwardness involved.
I could say far more on lord of the rings, but neither you, nor I have the time or that kind of rant. So I guess I'll just end by saying I watched some of the Lord of the rings and, unlike Pokemon, it was as good as when I first watched it. If not better.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Moral or not
I think you know when you cross that line. You feel sick and odd sitting in movies that don't fit your standards.
For example, me, my brother, and my sister all went to see Distrubia one night. I remember that I wanted to see it because I had never seen a horror movie before. There was appearently a reason for that. Sure it was fun right when I came out of the theater, but the next day was misery. Images and lines that kept entering my min,. It took a year for all of those to go away.

That is not to say I don't watch movies with violence. I loved Dark knight. That one was scary, but it wasn't the sensless bloody gore that disturbia was. It talked about real moral delema's and truths. Through the whole movie I was thinking. "Was that the right choice, if so why?". I'm still not completely sure what I think, but it was was a powerful movie.

So I suppose that kind of goes with movies lying to you. I don't like to see things that are wrong and sad as fun and care free. It just makes the whole movie seem minipulative and fake.

I guess ultimetly I'm still undecided. I could name a list of movies I aprove or dissaprove of but I'm not sure I have any set rules about how to tell if somethings apropriete or not. I only know that if I feel like its not right, than I shouldn't watch it.

Friday, August 22, 2008

  • Why I should bother with world history
  • World history shows you an immense web of stories and heroes that have gone into the construction of where we are now. Its overwhelming how much heartache and bravery has gone into founding the government and basic truths we now live by. Its because of those groups and movements that some people now enjoy certain rights. They deserve to be recognized and remembered.
  • Why I should bother studying literature.
  • That's like asking why you should eat! Books are a way of delving into someones emotions, a way of seeing characters in a more intimate way than you would ever get to in real life. They make you think in ways you may never have thought before and let you see things from a completely different angle. They help you define your own opinions by prompting you to think about these things.

  • Why I should bother studying language arts.
  • Language arts gives you the tools to communicate through writing. Its amazing what you can express with the right words and grammar. Any emotion you can think of, every story you've wanted to tell, anything you've longed to say can be said with it's tools.
  • Why I should bother studying geography.
  • Well geography plays a large role in how cultures lived and what they believed in. Knowing what resources and climates certain people lived with explains a lot about why they acted the way they did. It helps you understand them better.